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Raising Technology on the Board's Agenda: An Imperative for Business Success

In today's digital age, technology is no longer simply an operational tool; it has become the core of business strategy. From digital transformation to cybersecurity, the influence of technology on a company's success is undeniable. However, are boards of directors really ready to integrate technology into their business strategy?

In the following, we explore why it is essential that technology becomes a priority for the board and how this can make the difference between leading the market or being left behind.

1. Technology as a Strategic Pillar

It is no longer enough for technology to support operations; it must be an integral part of corporate strategy. Boards must recognise that technology drives growth, competitiveness and innovation. This requires leaders to be informed and prepared to make technology decisions that directly affect the direction of the business.

2. Technological Capacity on the Board

For technology to have a place at the decision-making table, it is essential that boards have members with technology expertise. This does not just mean having a CIO or CTO on the board, but all members must be trained in technology trends and challenges. The inclusion of technology experts on the board or the ongoing training of current members can make a difference.

3. Data Driven Decisions

The ability of boards of directors to make informed data-driven decisions is crucial in today's business environment. Data analytics not only improves operational efficiency, but also drives innovation and maintains competitiveness. Boards must be equipped to understand and use the power of data to make strategic decision

4. Cybersecurity: A Critical Priority

With cyber threats on the rise, cybersecurity must be at the top of the board's agenda. Boards must closely monitor cybersecurity strategies to protect digital assets and maintain customer trust. Ignoring cybersecurity is no longer an option; it is a critical board responsibility.

5. Continuous Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is not a goal, but a continuous process. Boards must ensure that the company not only adopts new technologies, but also restructures the business to take full advantage of these technologies. This involves a constant focus on digital evolution, ensuring that the company remains relevant in an ever-changing marketplace.

6. Technology Impact Assessment

Technology investments should be aligned with the company's strategic objectives. It is essential that boards regularly measure and evaluate the impact of technology on organisational performance. This ensures that technology decisions contribute to long-term growth and success.

7. Adoption of New Technologies

Keeping up with emerging technologies is a crucial task for boards of directors. From artificial intelligence to blockchain, understanding how these technologies can affect or benefit the company is key to maintaining a competitive advantage. Boards must be prepared to explore and adopt new technologies ahead of their competitors.

8. CEO and CIO/CTO Collaboration

A strong relationship between the CEO and the CIO/CTO is essential to ensure that technology is aligned with business strategy. This collaboration ensures that technology risks are properly managed and opportunities are maximised.
